Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I just shared some exciting news over on my photo blog. Yep, I'm going to make you go there to read it. :P
Things are really hopping around here. Aaron and I were talking last night about how we don't have a free weekend until April- then we have three weeks to get ready for vacation. *whew* Its that time of year again. :)

Everyone is happy and healthy right now :::knock on wood:::: I have several projects in the works, and just staying super busy. :)

If you would, pray with us for one thing. We really need a second car. The price of gas what it is, it costs so much for Aaron to drive back and forth to work, and there isn't anyone in Longview to carpool with. Plus, on days when I have to keep the van, it doubles our gas for the day, and it makes for a long exhausting day for the kids. We are praying about the situation, and are looking into possibly using the extra tax rebate to buy a car for him. Would you pray that we make the right choice? Thanks!