So here is my last post of 07. I have been in a reflective mood lately, so first we'll go over some of our highlights of 2007
The first two months were fairly uneventful, save with the l&d trips.
Connor turned 5 on March 19th
6 days later Matthew joined the family. Induced 4 weeks early because I had develped Pre-E, he was born at 4:45 pm weighed 7lbs 6 oz and required a little extra tlc. The next day we also found out he had broken his collar bone during birth.
May brought Grace's birthday- she turned 3 on May 12th.
The kids finished up school the end of May.
July brought Sadie's 7th birthday.
August brought a very wonderful family vacation out to West Texas. Just wasn't long enough.
Matthew was also dedicated in our new church home in August.
September brought the start of homeschooling- Connor in Kindergarten and Sadie in 2nd grade.
It also brought my 26th birthday, and Aaron's 31st.
November was our 8th wedding anniversary.
December was crazy busy and Matthew's first Christmas was mostly spent in the hospital.
While 07 wasn't marked with any great tragedies, I still am ready to say good-bye to it, and hello to a fresh new year. It was a tough year for us.
My goals for 2008:
* Take better care of me- this past year with bedrest, childbirth, health issues and depression I spent the better part of the year in my pj's just not caring. Thats changed in the past month or so, and I feel so much better for it.
*Keep up with the house better- the house also suffered from my not caring...and I want that to change this year.
*Spend more time with family. Family is so important. You never know what will happen- and I couldn't live with "if onlys"
*I want to step out of my comfort zone more. Meet someone new- get involved in something I might not have gotten involved in before.
last but not least
*Continue growing my business.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Year in review- and resolutions for 08
Posted by Mandy at 9:18 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Scary Christmas
This morning the kids woke up and brought their stockings into our bed. We were all piled up in there, while they opened everything. Matthew started choking, and gagging on something. I did a finger sweep in his mouth, and felt something- I couldn't identify it. I also couldn't get it out. He was coughing, and gagging yet breathing fine- so we decided to take him to the ER ourselves rather than call an ambulance.
We got there and he was taken back quickly- I waited with the other three kids for my dad to get there for them. By the time I got back to the room they were doing an x-ray. They didn't see anything, but we knew that what he had swallowed was either plastic or paper, and neither would show up on x-ray.
The dr decided to call in an ENT (Dr Littlejohn) and do the scope on him. This required a trip to the OR.
The nurses came in and tried 5 times to start an IV on him, and every vein blew. So they took him to surgery.. Pastor Jim came up and prayed with us, and I got him to go to sleep on his own before they took him away. Once they got him back to surgery and put him to sleep they tried to do the IV again. Again, every vein blew. All in all they tried at least 15 times to get an IV in the poor guy. Dr Littlejohn decided to go ahead without an IV and did the scope. If what he swallowed is what we think it is- the scope pushed it down into his stomach. It would be very hard to see on camera. We think it was one of those little clear plastic, t-shaped tags that hold price tags to clothes etc.
He came through the ordeal ok, they had to take a lot longer to wake him up because without the IV he would have a spasm, and closed off his airway. He is still pretty miserable..and has a nasty cough, which makes him cry- I'm sure his throat is very sore. The Dr did say that his throat looked pretty scratched up.
If he is still coughing within a couple days though, we are to bring him back. There is a very slim chance that it went into his airway and not his stomach. He said that is very rare though.
So I guess the prayer at this point is that he will heal quickly..that the tag did in fact go to his stomach and not his airway. Also pray for comfort- the little guy is so sore from all his sticks.
Posted by Mandy at 7:40 PM 0 comments
Merry Christmas
The stockings are filled and hung with care- the kids are all snug in their beds, as is Aaron, and I'm heading there shortly. Tommorow will be Christmas Round 3 and our Trip to Jefferson.
Merry Christmas to all my friends in blog-land, & Happy Birthday to two very special little boys. :o) I know their mama pass it along.
Posted by Mandy at 12:56 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 24, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Remember our Troups
This video will probably make you cry, but its very sweet :)
Posted by Mandy at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
I want a boring life....
Is that to much to ask for? Mundane, boring, routine?
It can never be that way can it?
This weekend was packed full- Sunday was supposed to be a fun evening at the church Christmas program. However, as soon as we stepped out of the van, Grace threw up. The older kids and I had to stay as we were all in the program. Grace said she felt fine, so we decided to see how she did over the next few minutes. I got Sadie and Connor where they needed to be, then went to my practice. Shortly thereafter I saw my father in law in the back, he said that Grace was hurting really bad, so my mother in law and Aaron were going to take her and Matthew home, and then she would bring the van back to the church for me.
When she got back, she said that Aaron had called her and said that Grace now had diarreah, and was in a lot of pain. Oh, and to top it off, when he unlocked the door, the doorknob came off in his hand. AAAHHHH!!!
So the kids sing, I sing and we leave. We get home and I start to make dinner for us, and then....................................Sadie throws up. Poor Grace wakes up and is in a lot of pain. Just crying from the pain. Sadie gets cleaned up and goes to bed. She half-heartedly eats a half piece of toast, and then falls asleep. I was up and down all night with Grace who is still in a lot of pain today, and I'm wishing I had pull ups for her, because the poor thing keeps having accidents.
Thankfully the boys seem fine, but the way things go around here, the girls will get healthy, and then someone else will come down with it. I just pray we're all healthy by Christmas.
Boring please?
Posted by Mandy at 11:27 AM 1 comments
Labels: Whines
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
CD Review
So a couple of weeks ago I recieved the Michael W Smith Christmas cd for free, in exchange for posting the link to the right, and also posting a review.
I've listened to it several times all the way through and here is my honest opinion.
Overall: I love it. The songs are all unique, and new Christmas songs, not your traditional carols being redone again. The first song in particular I love, Christmas Angel.
However, since Michael W Smith has one of my favorite voices, I was very dissapointed that there were not more vocals to the songs. There is a lot of instrumental songs on the disc.
I'd give it two thumbs up though, its a wonderful disc overall. :)
Posted by Mandy at 10:08 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Toothy Milestones
Well, Connor's name will soon be added to the tooth fairy's route. He has his first (very) loose tooth. My bet is, it will be gone within a week.
Posted by Mandy at 5:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Connor
I've Lost.....
8 pounds!!! I am SO excited. Before I went on my meds I was hard pressed to get the scale down more than 5. I have a weight loss blog , that I journal on, just so I'm writing down what I'm eating, or whatever...if you want to cheer me on- come visit
I've been busy cleaning and reorganizing this week. I have my mother in law's steam cleaner here, and wanted to do the carpets, especially the classroom, but the hose doesn't fit on our sink.
Kids are all good. Can you believe two weeks until Christmas???? Where did the year go?
Thankfully we are nearly done with shopping, just a few odds and ends to pick up. Mostly stocking stuffers. :)
Hope everyone is doing well.
Posted by Mandy at 8:56 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 07, 2007
The capes I ordered for the kids came in today. They are everything I had hoped for and more! She is great to work with, and the capes are perfect! I can hardly wait to give them to the kids, I know they will love them.
I'll try to remember to take pictures later after they are in bed lol.
You could probably still have them by Christmas if you need another gift for anyone on your list. Check out her store here
Posted by Mandy at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 06, 2007
All I want for Christmas....
Is a full night sleep!
Last night was night 4 of interrupted sleep for me. *yawn* Once in a while I can handle, but in a row? I'm getting grumpy.
Posted by Mandy at 12:46 PM 0 comments
Going to the Chapel....
and they're gonna get married! :0)
It's official, come spring time- I'll have a brand new sister-in-law.
Congrats Steven & Megan!!
Posted by Mandy at 9:52 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
More Tree Pics
Matthew's Ornament
My "ralphie" Aaron bought this for me a couple years ago. Its one of my faves :)
All done time for bed
Posted by Mandy at 5:30 PM 0 comments
Oh Christmas Tree
The older kids decorated cookies while Aaron and I put the tree together and strung lights
Didn't Sadie do a great job?
" I dont' remember there being this many pieces"
Posted by Mandy at 5:22 PM 1 comments
Labels: Pictures
Friday, November 30, 2007
I am a stickler for customer service. I expect to recieve good customer service wherever I go. Bad customer service turns me off on a store for a very long time. I recieved bad customer service at Circuit City one time- it was 5 years (I'm not kidding) before I stepped foot back in the store.
Well this is a story about a store that has gone above and beyond even my expectations.
Tuesday, our anniversary, Aaron had taken the day off. The kids were all at sitters and we had the day to ourselves. We went to Lifeway Bible Bookstore, and ended up purchasing a Christmas present. We paid with a $100 bill. (our only one) We went to lunch and about our day.
The next day, Wednesday, Aaron stopped on the way home to buy some groceries. One of the $20s we had recieved as change at Lifeway was a fake. I called the store, and was told the store manager would call me back the next day (Thursday) Well Thursday came and went with no call, so I called again today. I got put right through to the store manager who was very appologetic. Long story short, they are going to replace the fake $20 with a real one.
He said the same thing happened to him a while back and the store did nothing about it, and it really irritated him. He said he'd rather have a customer for life.
And let me tell you, he does.
Posted by Mandy at 10:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: Wonderful Randomness
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Thanksgiving Pictures
Meet and greet with Turkey and Cranberry Sometimes you love new foods....
Othertimes, not so much...
And sometimes you just can't get enough
Devouring Black Friday Ads....
Posted by Mandy at 2:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Turkey Day!
WOW I can't believe its been so long since I blogged! Things have just been crazy! Sickness, etc
Tomorrow (today) is Thanksgiving. Here is a small list of what I am thankful for this year:
* My marriage. Tuesday the 27th marks 8 years that we have been married. It hasn't' been without its bumps in the road, but we've made it through stronger on the other side. We'll have the whole day Tuesday to ourselves, and I can't wait. :o)
*My children. We had a rough day today, but I look at them and I see how truly blessed we are. I had someone ask me the other day when they found out I was only 26-- "how can you already have 4 kids?" Honestly, I never thought I'd have four, at least not so quickly together. Our family was orchestrated by God, and I certainly wouldn't have it any other way.
*My friends. New and old, there are several times that you have supported me during my weakest times. You know who you are, and I hope you also know you have a very special place in my heart.
*My freedom. There are many families who will be sitting one less place at their table today. I am very thankful and mindful that this freedom doesn't come cheap.
What are you thankful for today? I'd love to hear about it. :o)
Posted by Mandy at 12:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: Holidays
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Kids Say...
I've been sick lately but wanted to make a post. So instead of thinking of things to say, I'm going to let some of the things I've overheard the kids say lately do the talking for me.
Grace: "Bubsy, where's the promised land?"
Connor: "I don't know...I think it must be in Alaska"
Grace: "I sure wish you'd cropwate with me " (said with hands on hips. Btw: cropwate is three year old speak for cooperate)
Sadie: "as much as I love you with my whole heart, don't you know that God loves you more" (spoken to someone who is not a believer- from the mouths of babes huh?)
I know there's more, and if I think of them I'll post them. But my head is still foggy, so thats all you get for now. :0)
Posted by Mandy at 10:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: Kids